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Absentee Bid Form

Please print this screen and hand it into the church office or scan it and return it to

Absentee Bid Form

Date of Sale __Friday 29th September 2017

Title Name Surname

_________ _______________ _________________________

Address & postcode







Lot No. Brief Description £ Sterling Limit

_________ ____________________________________ ______________

_________ ____________________________________ ______________

_________ ____________________________________ ______________

_________ ____________________________________ ______________

_________ ____________________________________ ______________

_________ ____________________________________ ______________

I request the Auctioneer without legal obligation of any kind on his part, to bid for me on the above lots up to the prices listed. I understand that if any of my bids are successful, the total price payable will be the amount of the final bid. Where are there are identical bids for a lot, the first received will be executed.

Client signature Date

Bidder No.


Please complete this form and email it to

Morningside Parish Church (Charity No. – SCO34396)


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